Molecular Sieve

Molecular Sieve


Molecular sieve is a crystalline material with a uniform microporous structure, and these uniform pores can adsorb molecules smaller than their diameter into the cavity, and have preferential adsorption capacity for polar molecules and unsaturated molecules.

  • Application

    Adsorbent, Catalyst

  • Shape

    Strip / Bead

  • Type

    3A, 4A, 5A, 13X

  • HS No.

    281122 / 382499


Molecular sieve is a crystalline material with a uniform microporous structure, and these uniform pores can adsorb molecules smaller than their diameter into the cavity, and have preferential adsorption capacity for polar molecules and unsaturated molecules. Molecular sieve can separate molecules with different degrees of polarity, different degrees of saturation, different molecular sizes and different boiling points, that is, it has the function of "sieve" molecules, so it is called molecular sieve. Molecular sieves have the advantages of high adsorption capacity and strong thermal stability, which other adsorbents do not have, and can be used as high-efficiency desiccant, selective adsorbent, catalyst, ion exchanger, etc. It has a very wide range of applications.

3A molecular sieve

Main Applications

3A molecular sieve is mainly used for the drying of various gases and liquids, such as air, ethanol, refrigerant, natural gas, methane, unsaturated hydrocarbons and pyrolysis gas, ethylene, propylene, butadiene, etc.

Chemical formula  0.4K₂O·0.6Na₂O·Al₂O₃·2.0SiO₂·4.5H₂O

Technical Data

Qualified size rate%≥98
Bulk densityg/L≥680≥750
Wear rate%≤0.20≤0.15
Crush strengthNAccording to the size
Static water adsorption capacity%≥20≥20.5
Static ethylene adsorption capacity%≤3
Moisture content%≤1.5

4A molecular sieve

Main Applications

4A molecular sieve is mainly used for deep drying of air, natural gas, alkanes, refrigerants and liquids. Used for pharmaceutical packaging, static drying of electronic components, production and purification of argon, and as a dehydrating agent in paints, coatings, and fuels.

Chemical formula Na₂O·Al₂O₃·2.0SiO₂·4.5H₂O

Technical Data

Qualified size rate%≥98≥96
Bulk densityg/L≥600≥700
Wear rate%≤0.25≤0.15
Crush strengthNAccording to the size
Static water adsorption capacity%≥20.5≥21.5
Static methanol adsorption capacity%≥15
Moisture content%≤1.5

13X molecular sieve

Main Applications

13X molecular sieve is mainly used for gas purification in gas separation devices to remove water and carbon dioxide. Used for drying and desulfurization in natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, liquid hydrocarbons and general gas deep drying.

Chemical formula  Na₂O·Al₂O₃·2.45SiO₂·6H₂O

Technical Data

Qualified size rate%≥98≥96
Bulk densityg/L≥540≥680
Wear rate%≤0.25≤0.15
Crush strengthNAccording to the size
Static water adsorption capacity%≥24
Static carbon dioxide adsorption capacity%≥14
Moisture content%≤1.5

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