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Sinhon Chemical | Various factors affecting the quality of thiourea products



The quality of thiourea is affected by many factors, including the quality of raw materials, production process, reaction conditions, storage conditions, etc. The following are some of the main factors affecting the quality of thiourea:


1. Raw material quality

• Purity: The purity of raw materials (such as lime nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, etc.) directly affects the purity of the final product.

• Impurities: Impurities in the raw materials may be introduced during the reaction process, affecting the purity and stability of the finished thiourea.


2. Production process

• Synthesis route: Different synthesis routes may produce different by-products, affecting the purity and performance of thiourea.

• Production equipment: The quality and performance of production equipment will affect the reaction efficiency and product quality.


3. Reaction conditions

• Temperature control: Accurate control of reaction temperature is crucial to the synthesis of thiourea. Temperature will affect the progress of the reaction.

• Pressure control: Some production processes need to be carried out under specific pressure conditions to ensure the smooth progress of the reaction.

• Reaction time: The reaction time will directly affect the yield and purity of thiourea.

• Use of catalysts: Catalysts are required in some synthetic processes. The selection and dosage of catalysts have a significant impact on product quality.


4. Purification and separation

• Purification methods: The methods used to purify thiourea (such as recrystallization, filtration, etc.) will affect the purity of the final product.

• Separation technology: The separation technology used (such as centrifugation, filtration, etc.) will affect the purity and yield of thiourea.


5. Post-treatment

• Drying conditions: The temperature and time control of thiourea during the drying process will affect the quality of the final product.

• Crushing method: The method of crushing thiourea (such as mechanical crushing, ultrasonic crushing, etc.) will affect the particle size distribution of the finished product.


6. Storage conditions

• Temperature: Thiourea should avoid high temperatures during storage to prevent decomposition.

• Humidity: Thiourea is hygroscopic and should be stored in a humid environment.

• Packaging: Suitable packaging materials can prevent thiourea from being contaminated or chemically changed during storage.


7. Quality Control

• Testing methods: The quality control of thiourea requires the use of advanced testing methods (such as high-performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, etc.) to detect whether its purity, stability and other indicators meet the standards.

• Standard formulation: Strict quality standards are formulated according to industry standards or customer needs, and strictly implemented during the production process.


8. Environmental factors

• Operating environment: The cleanliness and ventilation conditions of the production environment will affect the quality of thiourea.

• External pollution: The interference of external pollution sources such as dust and other chemicals should be avoided during the production process.


9. Equipment maintenance

• Equipment maintenance and maintenance: Regular maintenance and maintenance of production equipment can ensure that it is in good condition, thereby ensuring product quality.


By strictly controlling the above factors, the quality of thiourea can be ensured to meet the expected standards. In the actual production process, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the impact of each link and take effective management and control measures to improve the consistency and reliability of thiourea.


In general, the production of thiourea is a very delicate process, including the quality of raw materials, the process flow in production, reaction conditions, purification and separation of thiourea, and treatment methods before the formation of thiourea. Sinhon Chemicals strictly controls every link to ensure the quality of thiourea.



Sinhon Chemical

Sinhon Chemical focuses on high-quality thiourea production and manufacturing, 20,000 tons per year. We are also engaged in supply chain business, providing comprehensive solutions from products to users.

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