Security Management

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Security Management

Security Management

Safety production work is a comprehensive and long-term system engineering, only in the safety production work to do a good job of comprehensive work, comprehensively improve the safety production awareness of employees, enhance the sense of responsibility for safe production, timely eliminate the hidden dangers of accidents, can finally achieve production accident-free. 

Safety concept. Sinhon firmly establishes the safety production concept of "people-oriented, safety first", and implements the responsibility to the ground, especially the management personnel should play a leading role and fully implement it from top to bottom. Strengthen the safety awareness of front-line staff to avoid fluke mentality. 

Safety training. Combination of prevention and treatment, prevention before treatment, prevention before it happens. Regularly carry out safety knowledge training and comprehensively roll it out, forming a situation in which everyone is endowed with security. 

Safety management. Train specialized safety management personnel to have professional capabilities such as supervision hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control to avoid the occurrence of safety accidents.