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Yimeng Journey | Red inheritance, always keep the original intention


On July 15, 2024, the party members and comrades of Sinhon went to Linyi collectively to carry out a red education activity on party building with the theme of "Red Inheritance and Forever Keeping the Original Heart". This activity allowed us to experience the weight of the revolutionary history, and let us feel the indelible red memory in the depths of our hearts.

Yimeng Journey | Red inheritance, always keep the original intention

We successively visited the Menglianggu Battle Memorial Hall, the Hongsao Memorial Hall, and the Yimeng Mountain Minor Memorial Hall. In the memorial hall, precious photos and historical relics silently tell the story of those eventful years. We were also fortunate to listen to the singing voice of Song Shoulian, the third-generation singer of "Yimeng Mountain Minor", and felt the deep emotions and revolutionary spirit contained in the song.


Subsequently, we climbed Tianmeng Mountain, and during the climbing, we kept recalling the revolutionary stories and anti-Japanese spirit told by the narrator, and our hearts were full of admiration for the revolutionary martyrs.


Sinhon’s red education journey is not only a baptism and sublimation of the soul, but also a spiritual inheritance and continuation. I believe that in the days to come, our party members will continue to uphold the essence and revolutionary spirit of red culture and contribute more strength and wisdom to the cause of the party and the people. 



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